Pollen, a superfood, is the male element of the flower (the anthers), the equivalent of sperm in animals. When the pollen grains fall on the pistil (female organ of the flower), pollination occurs. It is collected by the bees and mixed by themselves with the nectar of the flowers and exudations of some plants.
It occurs in its natural state, without preservatives or dyes or any type of additive, just as bees give it to their young.
It should be kept covered, preferably in a cool and dry place. If it is fresh pollen, it should be kept frozen except for the pollen being consumed, which must be stored in the refrigerator.
Variety: Pollen grains change colour and flavour depending on the species of plant from which it has been extracted. The active ingredients of each grain will also be determined by their origin, so that the more colour the pollen has, the better. Depending on the season, the pollen balls will be of one species or another, as is logical, accompanying the different flowering seasons. Also, the collection area has some influence over it.
Use of pollen in natural medicine: It is said that it acts positively on the 9 systems of the organism (structural, digestive, circulatory, respiratory, urinary, glandular, nervous, epithelial, lymphatic), improves physical and intellectual performance, improves defences. It is used used in cases of convalescence of any kind, stomach problems, fertility problems, fatigue, hair loss, problems of poor concentration, problems of lack of appetite, depression, spring asthenia, to prevent allergies … In addition, it is an ideal dietary supplement in vegetarian diets.
Exceptional nutritional properties: Pollen has one of the most complete nutritional curricula among all foods. Although it is incredible, 100 grams of pollen contains the same proteins as 1/2 Kg of meat, mostly in the form of free amino acids, that is, easily assimilable. As if that were not enough, it contains several types of sugars, vitamins (A, D, E, C and all those from group B), minerals and trace elements, enzymes and antibiotic substances that increase its therapeutic power. Below, we give details of its properties.
Nutritional composition of pollen
30% digestible carbohydrates
26% Sugars (mainly fructose and glucose)
23% Protein (including 10% of essential amino acids)
5% lipids (including essential fatty acids)
Phenolic compounds 2% (including flavonoids)
1.6% Minerals (including calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, silicon, and selenium)
0.6% Vitamins and water soluble acids (including B1, B2, B6 and C)
0.1% fat soluble vitamins (including vitamins A, E and D)
Properties of our pollen
Bee pollen is rich in all the nutrients necessary for people such as protein, fibre, sugars, minerals, vitamins A, D, E, C, B1, B2, B6, and a wide variety of enzymes. It is the only food that contains the 22 essential amino acids. In general, it provides greater resistance to diseases.
Some of the benefits of taking bee pollen that we would like to highlight are:
It regulates digestive processes
Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties fight diarrhoea and constipation. They reduce the pain and discomfort caused by the problems mentioned above while reducing swelling. Pollen consumption is also indicated in the case of liver problems. Contributes to the normalization of intestinal functions.
It is a natural cosmetic
It has dermatological functions that improve the appearance of the skin: from the reduction of wrinkles or the reduction of acne to fighting excess oil and sagging. Although its consumption favours an internal action, some cosmetics contain it as an ingredient to complement its effect. It is also indicated for people with psoriasis, eczema, or lupus.
It improves mood
Consuming bee pollen on a regular basis increases the energy levels necessary for everyday life. It can also help you increase physical endurance, reduce fatigue and aid recovery, lower blood pressure and promote work capacity making us tired less and let's be in a better mood. It is ideal to regain vitality naturally.
Energizing food
Natural restorative. Taking pollen from flowers on a regular basis helps to recharge the body with energy, with a small dose of vitamins, proteins, iron, calcium, zinc and many other components that this food contains. This will help us to better cope with the day, both physically and emotionally. It's important to say that fresh pollen contains all these attributes to a greater degree.
It improves sexual potency
It helps to fight impotence or sexual asthenia providing extra vitality and energy. Also, it reduces prostate inflammation.
Whet your appetite
Highly recommended to overcome problems in cases of anorexia or another type of eating disorder since, in addition to opening the appetite, it provides a number of vitamins and proteins.
Useful for memory
Thanks to its high content of vitamins and proteins, as well as iron and calcium, among others, it contributes to a better concentration.
It improves vision
The zinc and vitamin C it contains are responsible for preventing cell oxidation, lack of vision and other eye problems, such as macular degeneration, cataracts and others.
It supports the immune system
By increasing our defences, it favours the growth and development of children and helps to fight diseases such as rhinitis in the long term.
It reduces the level of cholesterol
Some other important characteristics are:
- It helps to fight anaemia due to the increase in red blood cells. - It is effective internal healing that helps ulcer removal. - It's a good antiallergic, taking it properly, also helping to fight asthma. - It's a natural antioxidant, it is about taking pollen to prevent and improve the oxidation of our tissues.
Without any doubt, we can consume bee pollen during the 365 days of the year, but it is true that there are certain times of the year where it is especially advisable to eat it. It is important to take it regularly so that the results are optimal.
It is advisable to eat pollen on a regular basis during the changes of season, such as in spring when we go from cold to hot or from hot to cold in autumn.
How to take bee pollen.
Pollen in the natural state is found in the form of grain. But if we take the bee pollen in grain directly, our digestive system would have difficulty digesting and assimilating it. In contrast, if we dissolve it in liquids, it rehydrates and dissolves easily. We also have pollen powder, which can be consumed directly without having to dissolve. In addition, we have fresh pollen, which preserves its properties much better than dry pollen (as it is usually marketed).
You can also grind it into powder and dissolve or mix with other foods such as juices, milk, tea, cereals, salads, yoghurt…
Children from 3 to 5
12g daily (tea spoon)
The first time 1/2 sp.
Children from 6 to 12
16g daily (1.5 tea spoon)
Young people from 12 to 18
20g daily (two teaspoons)
Between 32g and 20g daily (a tablespoon)
Pollen during pregnancy
Due to its great contribution of proteins that it offers us, it is highly recommended to take pollen during pregnancy. Especially during the last months of gestation.
As we have already mentioned, pollen also provides other substances that are very beneficial for mother and baby’s health, such as essential amino acids, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron and mineral salts.
Bee pollen for diabetics
Bee pollen has many benefits for diabetes. Containing vitamins A, C and E. Vitamin B helps to raise energy, counteracting fatigue caused by diabetes due to lack of insulin. In addition, it contains minerals, amino acids, proteins and other nutrients that can help control diabetes. Of course, if you take pollen, you should probably decrease the consumption of fructose to compensate for blood glucose.
As for possible contraindications for diabetics, unless you are intolerant to fructose, it does not have to be harmful. In any case, you should consult your doctor beforehand.
Bee pollen contraindications
It has only been shown that taking bee pollen can be contraindicative for people allergic to pollen.
So, before consuming it, you should carefully consider whether or not you are allergic to bee pollen. If you have never consumed pollen or simply do not know if you are allergic to it, you can try the following to get out of doubt.
Put one or two grains of pollen on your tongue and keep them there without swallowing for a few minutes. If after a while you do not notice anything unusual, you can chew the pimples and wait a little longer to see if your body experiences any type of reaction such as watery eyes, sneezing, swelling of the mouth, lips or tongue.
If after chewing on the pollen grains and holding them in your mouth for a few minutes, you haven't experienced any of these symptoms, it could almost certainly tell you that you are not allergic to bee pollen. Still, as a precaution, wait at least 24 hours before starting to consume more.