Raw Broom Honey


Raw broom honey comes from the plant called broom. It is a shrub between 40 and 120 centimeters high, with a very small yellow flower and a very thin dark green leaf, it is very common in the southern half of the Iberian Peninsula and can be found in most of the mountains as well as in the gutters or on the edge of the terraces. Generally, the broom plants appear in April and remain in bloom until June. Raw broom honey is harvested in the first months of summer. Still, it is said to be a spring honey. Raw broom honey is rich in numerous health-promoting compounds, from tyrosine and antifungal substances to flavonoids and phenolic acids. As with most kinds of honey, when the time comes, the honeycomb is removed to remove the layer of wax that covers the cells, called a seal, and later, extract the golden liquid that is inside the honeycombs through pressing processes. centrifugation or decantation.

Organoleptic characteristics

  • Color: Brown or amber tones generally very clear and crystalline, sometimes it can be brown or reddish.
  • Smell: Soft, pleasant, floral, with vegetable nuances.
  • Flavor: Very smooth with a salty touch

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Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

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